Coming Of Age - Why Is Menstruation Powerful?

All indigenous cultures around the world revered women for their ability to birth Life! In order to birth Life, we must first Menstruate!

In native cultures menstruation was known as the time when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. In native cultures menstruation was considered a time when women have access to the Divine. In native cultures women had special places to go to when they Flowed: Moon Huts, Moon Lodges, Red Tents. It was understood that when a woman bleeds she is in a heightened state, and cannot be bothered with everyday tasks!

In native cultures women spent their bleeding days in Moon Lodges talking, crafting, resting, dreaming, laughing, crying, napping, chatting, being quiet, simply having time-off to re-charge their batteries! In native cultures women in Moon Lodges dreamed prophesies for their tribes. In native cultures people brought questions to the bleeding women: from personal matters, to elders asking whether to wage war... The answers that Bleeding Women received in dreams, were followed with reverence!

In today's cultures - most women have nowhere to go to when they bleed, most women act as if their bleeding time is no different than any other time, most women don't rest or renew their energy when they bleed, most women don't talk about what they need when they bleed, many women think their blood is gross...

What's wrong with this picture?

YOU now know what's wrong with this picture, so make your own picture, instead!

Your daughter, or the girl in your life (granddaughter, step-daughter, niece, or a good friend's daughter) may not know what to expect before her first period... She may not even know what periods are, or if she does, she may have a negative view of it, colored by society's taboos around the subject. For that matter, many adult women still have a rather grim view of menstruation. Not many in our culture view menstruation as powerful...

It is exciting to get informed about how native cultures around the world viewed menstruation, but there is much more to it than just getting informed. Starting to shift the way we view menstruation may (and does!) reverse symptoms such as PMS! After all, women in indigenous cultures are not reported to have suffered PMS, and we can 'reverse the curse' as well!

We can change the cultural tides from taboo to empowerment, and from a curse to a blessing. Even better, we can raise a generation of girls who will carry no such burdens on their shoulders (or in their wombs!)

Is your daughter approaching puberty? Is she already there? I invite you to discover all you need to know about talking with her confidently and easily right now! Receive a FREE report to help jump-start your confidence in preparing for her Coming-Of-Age, deepen trust between you, and prepare you for her Teen years, by signing up here:
DeAnna L'am (B.A.), is author of 'Becoming Peers - Mentoring Girls Into Womanhood', and 'A Diva's Guide to Getting Your Period'. She is founder of Red Moon School of Empowerment for Women & Girls?. Her pioneering work has been transforming girls' & women's lives around the world for over 20 years. DeAnna helps mothers model self-acceptance, self-care, and self-esteem to their daughters, and lay a foundation for lifelong friendship between them. Visit her at:

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